Sunday, December 13, 2009

life..the simplicity of it..

They say,that to be a good writer,you have to be an avid reader..Well,as i m not much of a reader,I can't assure you,about the quality of this blog.All i can say is this is the perception of life,through my eyes.
I guess,the most funny thing about life,is that it's so full of complications,yet so simple.Literally.Just look at all the complicated processes governing our life system,yet we take all of 'em for granted.
There is so much stuff going on all around us.Life is full of moments,both good and bad,yet we are totally unaware of them most of the times.we have submerged ourselves,so much,in our daily monotonous routines,that we hardly take the time to look up and see the beauty of it all.
Just the other day,while I was returning from my college,and I was somewhere near the Preet Vihar crossing,seated in a DTC bus.I looked out of the window,there was a Honda City parked just beside the bus,and I saw one poor old man,who didn't have a limb,on his crutch,selling some kinda beautiful flowers,at the signal.As he approached the car,and went to sell his product,the man inside it,just nodded forward and spat out at the poor old man.
You know,what was the most amazing part of this entire episode..The poor old man,didn't have a single sign of anger upon his face..he took the entire thing as if nothing had happened,and he moved on..
What makes him,so much forgiving..??I questioned myself,time and again..Why??Why didn't the man show any anger,Why didn't he spate back??Why??
Is it because Life has taken so much from him,that he has become remorseless or is it because...
Well,so much,as of now..more comin up later..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is simply becoz d old man knew he didn't had the power or d money to fight back. Your perception of life changes with your place in society.